Archive for August 5th, 2008

FIBROIDBELAH UTERUSThis week only, I received three specimens from three patients with a huge uterus. The patients ages were : 40, 48 and 51 years of age respectively. To all of them had been  performed surgery, due to their abdomen getting bigger and bigger without pregnancy.

Patients complaining of their irregular menstrual cycles, irritability in the abdomen and difficulty in pee and pups and one complaining dyspnea or difficulty in breathing.

What is fibroid tumor of the womb ? Why women got the disease ? Read the rest of this entry »

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  • About

    Dr. Sukma Merati, DSPADr. Sukma Merati is founder and owner of Riau Pathology Center in Pekanbaru, Riau. Dr. Merati has had various international experience and training, including as a fellow doctor at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, NY, USA (2000-2002). More >

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