Archive for the ‘General’ Category
Tinggal di kota besar seperti Jakarta mungkin paling praktis dan nyaman bertempat tinggal di apartemen yang banyak bertaburan di lokasi-lokasi strategis penjuru ibukota. Salah satunya Casablanca Mansion di Kuningan, di mana semuanya serba bersih dan teratur, ada building management yang mengurus semuanya, dari cleaning service, air, listrik, kartu akses, fitness center, kolam renang sampai dengan parkir.
Juga ada laundry, ATM, mini market buka 24 jam dan cafe. Fasilitas sangat lengkap, dengan keamanan yang cukup terjamin. Jangan coba naik lift, bila anda tidak memiliki access card. Read the rest of this entry »
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Admitted or not, obedience to our parents plays the key role in our long journey of lives, especially for people living with eastern culture like Indonesia.
I was born in Denpasar Bali. I was a loving daughter of my parent due to my academic records since play group until entering the Faculty of Medicine.
And also I did whatever my parent wanted me to, in other words always obeying their words, except one thing that I do regret until this time. Read the rest of this entry »
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Banyak orang bisa menjadi superstar. Tetapi hanya sedikit yang dapat digolongkan the real superstar. Superstar bukan hanya kulitnya saja, namun benar-benar super juga didalam. Ibarat ‘inner beauty’ yang akan terpancar keluar dari dalam diri seseorang. Read the rest of this entry »
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I don’t exactly remember, if this kind of hematologic neoplasia coud occur in such old person. What I know, is the cyto-morphology of this patient seemed to show Reed Sternberg cells on my assestment.
But I still consider this case of being an NHL, with Pleomorphic peripheral T-cell Lymphoma type, which is caused by viral infection (HTLV-I). I do have the smear slides, but forgot to take picture of this patient with enlargement of submental lymph node and a large bulky lump on his left neck. He is doing good, but.
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